It’s commonly known that humans are creatures of habit. Scientists have now discovered that we are operating on the habitual level anywhere from 40 to 90 percent of the time. That means for at least half of our lives if not more, we are are coasting on autopilot not even really in control.  We develop habits to acquire rewards. God designed us to enjoy pleasure. Everything He created was meant to be enjoyed by His creation. Our brains are hard wired to seek out and enjoy pleasurable things. When we experience pleasure the brain remembers how it experienced it, and creates habits to help recreate the experience. Jesus said in John 10:10 is was purpose was to give us a rich and satisfying life. That life is within our grasp if we honor God with our attitudes and behaviors. Good habits lead to  a more rich and satisfying life. Even though creating habits can work out in our favor, because of our sinful nature, we also form bad habits. These habits work against the rich and satisfying life Jesus came to provide. Bad habits may make us feel good for a moment, but then produce struggle and dysfunction in our lives. The problem with breaking habits is that you first have to start with the attitude driving them. We don’t just need good habits, we need good attitudes too. We need good Habitudes. And the way to get good Habitudes is revealed in our theme verse for this series, Philippians 2:5 (NLT),” You must have the same attitude Christ Jesus had.” Jesus enjoyed the favor of God and everyone around him. He lived a rich and satisfying life even as a young man (Luke 2:52). His attitude, led to good behaviors, which led to good habits. He honored God with his life, and he enriched and blessed the lives of those around. In turn, he was bathed in a wealth of favor. Join us for this mini series called “Habitudes,” and discover how you can begin simple changes that will produce incredible results!

1. Wealth of Favor

2.Position isn’t Everything

3. Humble Yourself So you Don’t Have to Be Humbled